It Is Time to Reclaim Your Confidence!

Learn how to increase your self-worth and self-love for your beautiful body, so that you can feel confident and make an impact and income that you deserve.

Are you ready to stand out from the crowd with confidence and magnetism?

You know that your voice matters.

You know that your mission matters.

But you’re not quite conveying this belief into the world?

That’s because deep down inside your self-worth and your energy matters.

Are you tired of your Monkey Mind telling you ALL the reasons why you can’t be seen or heard?

Do You Need A Boost Of Confidence To Help You Get More Visible?

The Art of Unbreakable Confidence & Magnetism is 5 days of learning all the secrets of becoming a magnetic woman who attracts clients in effortlessly.

Join me for a powerful training to help you master a soul-led confidence that stands out from the crowd and builds both respect and revenue in 2021 and beyond.

Master Your Soul-led Confidence

Stand Out From The Crowd & Build Respect

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During This 5-day Training Series You Will Learn:

  • How to magnify your visibility, so that you can feel safe & confident in your body doing what you love.

  • How to trust your intuition/your gut feeling, so that you are the Driver of your business & life.

  • How to reframe the negative self-talk in your head, so that you can finally get out of your own way.

Ready To Bring Your Message And Energy To Life And Share It Confidently?

Social proof: testimonials

“I thoroughly enjoyed being part of The Quantum Healing Hub during the free 5 day workshops with Joanna Choncer as it has been very enlightening and inspirational for me working with the guidance from a very knowledgeable coach who was able to help me understand and cultivate my self-worth and confidence, in days I had transformed into the person that I knew was hiding away inside, through this wonder and beautiful journey, I removed the blockages to the real me that had held me back most of my adult life. I feel I can step into the wonder of wondering of future opportunities with the confidence I have gained through Joanna's help and support. I can't thank Joanna enough for the offerings she gave to strangers to be able to realise their true potential and life purpose. Bless you Joanna, you beautiful energy.”

Diane Beth Bridger

“I just wanted to tell you all how grateful I was to spend a week with you all exploring our inner strength and the things we tell ourselves that stop us moving forward and fulfilling our dreams. The Art of Unbreakable Confidence and Magnetism workshop was a game-changer for me. Thanks Joanna for helping to create this wonderful supportive space. Deborah Jackson”

Judy Drake

“After meeting Joanna I instantly connected with her, so when the opportunity came up to join her 5 day Unbreakable Confidence Masterclass I was very excited to see what she had in store. I certainly wasn't disappointed. Joanna went over and above to create an interactive, action packed 5 days full of value. For me, having quite severe chronic illnesses, I learned how to get rid of old outdated beliefs, feel back in control of myself and my business and start to put a plan together, without pushing my body too far. I learned that what I have to offer is more than enough and I felt lighter and much more hopeful by the end of the week. The energy work was amazing and also so eye opening. Donna Edmiston”

Donna Edmiston - Women's Transformational Coach, Author and Motivational Speaker

Learn All The Secrets Of Becoming A Magnetic Woman

Explore The Course Content Below

You Can Build As High As Your Foundations

Day 1

How setting your FOUNDATIONS (mental, emotional, energetic + physical) can make all the difference in achieving your goals. 4 Biggest Mindset Blocks standing in your way of becoming more confident and magnetic. Reality Creation Process - how mastering the THINKING and not the DOING can make you a Conscious Creation Powerhouse.

Permission To Be Fully Visible In Your Body?

Day 2

Secondary Gain - what is the benefit of staying the same - YES! There are benefits of it! Releasing VS Recycling old emotions, stories, and habits. It is safe & possible to reach your goals, dreams & potential by being the authentic YOU!

Increasing Your Self-worth

Day 3

Money Mindset of Investing in Oneself - experiencing guilt when investing in yourself. Your True Value - Your Mess is Your Message - share it proudly. Biggest sabotaging blocks to increasing your worth & receiving more abundance - how not trusting yourself & your intuition is costing you more than you think and cutting the Universal supply!

Surrender Into Expansion

Day 4

Magic Accelerator - How increasing your intuitive connection with yourself & the Divine Energy can improve your health & your wealth. The Next Level of You - how to embody that vision right now. The Saturation Technique - how surrounding yourself with people who already have what you want can help you get there faster.

Co-Creating Your Beautiful Life

Day 5

The Power of The Command - creating your life from your desires. Mastering Powerful Archetypes - where else in life are you allowing the fear + scarcity to control you. Health & Abundance Activation Codes - what else are you prepared to release in order to become the highest expression of yourself?

Pricing Options

RECOGNIZING YOUR SHADOW ARCHETYPES - The shadow archetypes such as Child, Victim or Prostitute has power over you, that may stop you in your quest to becoming a confident and a magnetic being. Learn how to face and acknowledge the shadow’s presence, so that you can neutralize its potential negative impact on you.

Your Guide

Joanna Choncer

Visibility Coach

I help entrepreneurs master their messaging, embody CEO-level confidence, and scale their business with conviction—so they can create massive impact and consistent high-income months.

What Others Are Saying

“Just in case you didn't know already, you are frogging amazing. Thank you for that massive clearing this morning. Do you know that in 2 hours I have had 1 client payment, 1 client paying it forward and 1 client come back to say she wants to go ahead with a session after all lol x”

Candice Wilson

“Joanna Choncer, I've just been offered the job, I had amazing feedback, he said he knew in the interview I was his 1st choice. 👍😃 I manifested this because you believed in me to make me believe in myself... Thank you 😊 ”

Sunshine Haa Haa DB

You Have An Opportunity To Heal Yourself Off Any Challenges In Your Life

Your Investment Today

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Text & media

The other sections are styled to help you create beautiful, high-converting pages. If you already know exactly what you want, use this section to add text, images, video, audio, etc. and build something completely custom. This is your sandbox — create what you want!

Are You Ready To Unlock Your Next Level Of Confidence & Abundance?